Not Your Average Sunday

Well I don’t suppose it ever will be when it’s spent in A & E. Yup I have been a little bit poorly. To sum up without boring you… felt a bit rotten last week and developed a sore foot, which on Friday was so bad I couldn’t walk on it. And then it got worse. I can honestly say that I have NEVER EVER, EVER been in so much relentless pain. I mean it PROPER hurt. And then I became nauseous. And got a temperature. And shivery. And that all turned into a bit of a fever. Didn’t sleep a wink last night – not a wink. The pain was excruciating (I know what that word feels like now!) and I was dripping with sweat.

So this morning, my beloved took me to the hospital. And I am so glad she did. Things could have got really nasty.

Aside from the less than friendly or helpful welcome (one of the receptionists ignored me and the other, when he was ready, looked at me – no chance of a hello then?) everyone I saw was terrific. I was examined and found myself, rather quickly, being given medicine I.V. style. And painkillers – what painkillers! And all because of a nasty and unavoidable infection which can turn into a flesh eating thing and can be life threatening.

So here I am, feeling a little better, and not, it seems (and I hope!) in danger of being gripped by death. And I have a pair of crutches, which are much more difficult to use than they look.

I have to go back to be checked tomorrow (one of the conditions of them allowing me to go home) and I have a course of antibiotics to finish, but I hope to be feeling well enough to be writing and blogging again, and as normal, soon. I may have a bit of time off first though.

So that’s been my day. I have a meme from Poppy which I hope to do soon. Still no takers for my bookshelf pictures Almost Meme?

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Nik Perring is a short story writer, author, teacher of writing, and editor from the UK. His books include the widely celebrated Not So Perfect (Roastbooks, 2010), and A Book of Beautiful Words (2014). He co-wrote Freaks! (TFP/HarperCollins 2012), and A Book of Beautiful Trees is out in 2015.

0 thoughts on “”

  1. Good grief! Good job you went to A&E when you did!Hope the meds are well on the way to clearing up the infection.Will have a go at the bookshelf later this week:-)Get better soon!

  2. Wow, you poor thing, what an awful thing to happen. Wishing you much much better soon, thank goodness your wise woman took you to A&E. I hope you’re not in pain anymore, sending you healing energy.Tania x

  3. Aw, sorry to hear that Nik, and glad you got to hospital quickly. I knew someone with this, it rose upwards from their foot and ended up in…ahem, you can imagine. NOT PLEASANT FOR A MAN;)Take it easy.Casey x

  4. Look after yourself – or better still, get someone else to look after you – until you are entirely well, Nik.Poor you!

  5. Just seen this. So sorry to hear this but bar the odd grumpy receptionist – I swear they are part of the service – you are in good hands. Feel real better soon.S

  6. Thank you, thank you, thank you, one and all for your good wishes. I really appreciate that you’ve taken the time to leave a comment; it’s made a really horrid situation brighter. I’m finally starting to feel better so I hope to be back in the writing/blogging chair soon.Thanks again.Much love,Nik xx

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