Big World

Wowsers but it’s hot and humid up here in the the north. And it aint something I’m used to. There’s a storm coming soon, I’ve been told, and I’m looking forward to it.

Well, what a week. I’ve barely stopped (and yes, I am much closer to being up to date now, thank goodness). Writing’s been done as has editing and reading. 
And what reading. I’ve been dipping into, and really enjoying, Niki Aguire’s 29 Ways to Drown, which is well worth a look. But mostly I’ve been reading Big World by Mary Miller and, well, it’s gone straight onto my Incredibles list (for those reasonably new to the blog that just means books I think are incredibly good). I’m not going to review it because a) I’ve not finished it (and don’t want to!) and b) I’m not very good at them but I will point you to what Tania Hershman said about it on The Short Review, which was what encouraged me to buy it in the first place.
It’s a wonderful collection of affecting, realist short stories that are brilliantly written and work perfectly.
Thank you Mary Miller and thank you The Short Review.