Nik Perring would like to place on record his complete dissatisfaction in having a cold. He does not enjoy them, nor does he see their point. Or worth. In fact, he thinks they’re an inconvenient nuisance.

He would also like to say that he has not let it get on top of him. He did not let it stop him winning at squash the other night (huzzahhhh!) nor has it been able to stop him from writing. Well, not too much. A little perhaps.

Most importantly it did not stop him from attending Lower Park’s production of the Wizard of Oz on Thursday. It did not stop him thinking that it was terrific either, or enjoying himself very, very much. Fab sets, fab acting, fab dances, fab night. Well done everyone.

In spite of his cold Nik has also been watching this a lot. And singing it a lot. He might have even danced to it earlier. Ding dong…