A Funny One

Well, further to Vanessa’s comment on yesterday’s post (and this isn’t some sort of edit-off or competition, promise!) here’s another, more intense, editing picture. I think this was in February or March.

My flash written on a postcard for the Waterstone’s gallery thingumy is now up. It’s called In Utero. It’s an old one, probably getting on for about three years old. And it’s a funny one. As I said yesterday it’s one I’m quite fond of when I remember it, it’s just that I don’t remember it very often. In fact, I don’t think it’s much of a story, probably more of a thought put into words, or something like that. Anyway, it’s up, it’s not going to win anything, but, I think, it’s fun.

A Tale of Two Blogs

Firstly I’d like to draw your attention to Vanessa Gebbie’s blog – especially her last post (January 9th) as I think what she’s doing is both incredibly interesting and hard. Editing a passage from a novel into a short story is serious business.

And secondly I loved the short film Roger Morris has just uploaded. Authors and their coffee pots! (Be warned, folks – I may do one too!)


I’m currently feeling most jealous of Sarah. The place sounds just wonderful. (Cheered to hear that she’s over her home sickness too.)


And where’s Annie Wicking’s blog gone? It seems to have disappeared. Anyone?