
Yesterday was spent doing this:

Yes, we made sushi. It is not as easy as one might imagine. But if you concentrate, take your time, pay attention to the instructions given in this excellent book, you can produce something like this:

Well, to be fair, they’re the ones my girlfriend made. Mine weren’t as pretty or, um, able to not fall apart. They were delicious.
Today has been a wee bit irritating.
Before I could make a start editing my ms as per the fabulous Anne Brooke’s suggestions, I had to sort out the random large chunks of text that Word had decided to convert into italics. (This involved deleting the Italics Style, creating a new one, and adding every single instance manually.) No logical explanation for it at all – I can only apologise to Anne – it must have made reading it a real nuisance.
Anyway, that’s done now so I can concentrate on the actual words, rather than what they look like.

I’m Back!

After a weekend away from the computer.

Friday was great. I spent the afternoon with children at Wilmslow Prep. school, and had a really good time. The girls were intelligent and enthusiastic – which is really all a visiting author can ask for. I hope I left them with things to think about. Good things, that is.

A great big whopping huge thanks goes to Judy Hughes who did a splendid job of organisation whilst under, I understand, other considerable pressures. Thank you!


And in other news…

I was reminded yesterday of how sushi is high on the list of my favourite things. (Not as high as it is on my girlfriend’s it turned out). Sushi is cool. Sushi bars are cooler.


And speaking of cool things, did anyone else see the lunar eclipse on Saturday? I did. It was brilliant. At one point it looked a little like this.


[Added: CLICK HERE for an interview with my favourite singer – the very lovely and hugely talented HERA.]