Six Things About Me

The delightful Sarah tagged me the other day, with this:

Link to the person that tagged you – i.e. me.Post the rules on your blog.Write six random things about you in a blog post.Tag six people in your post.Let each person know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.Let the tagger know your entry is up.

So, here goes.

1. Before I was a writer I was going to be a rock star. (I am better at writing than I am at singing or playing the guitar, so everything worked out in the end.)

2. In the Lake District a couple of years ago I saw a wild golden eagle. Now, where birds (feathered) are concerned, there’s no stopping me.

3. I have the best girlfriend in the world.

4. I am not very tidy but I am organised. This confuses many people.

5. I am not a particularly interesting person.

6. I can’t think of a title for my coleslaw story and it is stressing me out!


So, who to tag? Um, let’s see. How about Lane, Anne, Lexi, Jenn James and Rosy.

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Nik Perring is a short story writer, author, teacher of writing, and editor from the UK. His books include the widely celebrated Not So Perfect (Roastbooks, 2010), and A Book of Beautiful Words (2014). He co-wrote Freaks! (TFP/HarperCollins 2012), and A Book of Beautiful Trees is out in 2015.

0 thoughts on “”

  1. Coles’ Law is inspired. Incidentally Anne, if you are still about, I can’t work out how to comment on your blog. What do I do now Nik? Do I copy it onto mine?I saw a golden eagle too once in the Highlands. It was quite awe-inspiring.

  2. Wonderful to see you over here, Book fox, R!Oh don’t get me on to eagles; really, I’ll never stop! Awe-inspiring, truly. How can they do what they do AND NOT FLAP???This is what you do (I’ll cut and paste and whack it onto yours):”Link to the person that tagged you – i.e. me.Post the rules on your blog.Write six random things about you in a blog post.Tag six people in your post.Let each person know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.Let the tagger know your entry is up.”Nik

  3. I love your random things although I heartily disagree with no.5!Funny, just lately I’ve become fascinated with birds, probably because I’m up so early in the morning and the birdsong is glorious. I still can’t distinguish which is which but I’m learning:-)Thanks for the tag!

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